Thursday, January 22, 2009

Microsoft to slash 5,000 jobs

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Microsoft to slash 5,000 jobs
CloseCNN and other sites are reporting that Microsoft said this morning said it would cut 5,000 jobs in the next year and a half, saying the move will save it about $1.5 billion in operating expenses and $700 million in 2009 capital expenditure. More to come...

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Microsoft to cut 5,000 as income falls Microsoft's revenue rose 2% for the quarter ended Dec. 31, but net income fell 11%, it said Thursday.

Microsoft layoff rumors continue their swirl The on-again, off-again rumors of layoffs at Microsoft appear to be off again after CNBC reported that the company would not have layoffs ahead of its January earnings report.

Microsoft layoff speculation: 9K to 15K employees? Rumors continue to escalate that Microsoft will layoff thousands of employees sometime this month -- although Microsoft has denied that layoffs will occur -- at least in January. We reported that last week that analyst Brad Reback at brokerage firm Oppenheimer & Co, recommended that Microsoft ax 10% of its workforce -- or about 9,000 jobs. Today, Fudzilla says it believes the number of cut jobs will be as high as 17% of the company's workforce -- although it speculates that this high number won't all be layoffs -- some current open jobs will be left unfilled.

Analyst wants Microsoft to ax 10% of its workforce An analyst last week advised Microsoft to cut its workforce by 10%, saying axing more than 9,000 jobs would be a healthy move for Redmond. The analyst, Brad Reback at brokerage firm Oppenheimer & Co, said that such a move would result in about a 10-cent gain in earnings-per-share. More importantly, according to Reback, it would signal that Redmond is willing to do what it takes to be profitable -- and that being profitable means more to the company than revenue growth during this shaky economy.

Microsoft second quarter results


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