Wednesday, June 06, 2007

How low can your data go with virtual tape libraries?; Xiotech gets into e-discovery, compliance

Network World

Storage News Alert

Network World's Storage News Alert, 06/06/07

Test: How low can your data go with virtual tape libraries?, 06/04/07:  Today's storage mechanisms are all about squeezing as much data into as little space as possible. Virtual tape library (VTL) software contributes to the space-saving cause by using hard-disk storage systems to emulate robotic tape libraries for the purpose of cutting down on using up precious storage real estate.

Xiotech gets into e-discovery, compliance, 06/04/07:  Xiotech on Monday launched a storage system that captures, classifies and manages an organization's electronic information and e-mails for compliance purposes.

EMC buys authentication service provider Verid, 06/04/07:  Looking to extend its RSA division's authentication product line, EMC has purchased identity verification services vendor Verid.

Network World Storage Buyer's Guide

If you're in the market for anything from a tape library to an on-line backup service to a complete, drop-it-in-place SAN Solution, check out this Buyer's Guide with close to 200 products divided among specific, storage market segments.

Click Here

Enterprise search vendor offers e-mail discovery, 06/04/07:  Enterprise search vendor Recommind is taking on e-discovery with a product being released Tuesday that categorizes the massive amounts of unstructured data in e-mail.


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How low can your data go with virtual tape libraries?

Contact the author:

Senior Editor Deni Connor covers storage for Network World.



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