Thursday, September 10, 2009

Microsoft confirms critical unpatched Windows bug; the truth about Windows users; sneak peek at Silverlight 4

Microsoft: Patching Windows 2000 'infeasible'; The truth about Windows users
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Spotlight Story
Microsoft confirms critical unpatched Vista, Windows 7 RC bug

MIcrosoft late Tuesday confirmed that a bug in Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008, and the release candidates of Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2, could be used to hijack PCs. Read full story

Related News:

Microsoft: Patching Windows 2000 'infeasible'
Microsoft took an unusual step today and skipped patching one of the vulnerabilities addressed in its monthly security update, an omission that leaves users running Windows 2000 Server Service Pack 4 vulnerable to attack.

The truth about Windows users
Microsoft's Vista deployment statistics are suspect, as the company counts every new PC sale as a Vista sale, even in enterprises with site licenses that allow them to run any version of Windows. But how suspect? Thanks to real-world PC usage data from the, we now know.

Bill Gates to dedicate Carnegie Mellon computer science center
Microsoft Chairman Bill Gates will share words of wisdom on Sept. 22 at the opening ceremony for a computer science center bearing his name at Carnegie Mellon University, the home of the nation's first such department in 1965.

Netbooks: Popular but will you buy a netbook next time?
Mitchell Ashley: "I've carried an ultraportable Sony VAIO laptop with me now for two years and so far I've resisted all temptations to buy a netbook."

Microsoft rivals to purchase 22 patents to defend Linux
A group of Linux proponents will purchase patents formerly held by Microsoft in an effort to defend distributors of the open-source OS against the ongoing threat of patent litigation from the software giant.

Microsoft gives sneak peek at Silverlight 4 RIA technology
Microsoft this week will shed some light on a planned upgrade to Silverlight, its browser-based rich Internet application technology, which will gain native multicast support capabilities as well as support for offline digital rights management.

Small Business Server 2008: Turning 'OFF' IPv6 could be dangerous
Ron Barrett: "So yesterday I went with a good friend of mine to the city to help him with an issue with Windows Small Business Server (SBS) 2008. Some readers out there may have already experienced the Windows SBS 2008 IPv6 dilemma and you know what I am talking about. For those of you who have not, let me give a little background."

Microsoft and Best Buy gang up on Linux
The media and blogosphere are all in a tizzy over leaked screenshots allegedly showing that Microsoft is providing Best Buy with 'anti-Linux' training materials. You say 'anti-Linux', I say 'pro-Windows'. You say 'Linux bashing', I say 'marketing'.

Microsoft Subnet is giving away training from New Horizons and 15 copies of Windows Server 2008 How-To. Cisco Subnet is giving away 15 copies of Interconnecting Data Centers Using VPLS. Google Subnet is hosting many new bloggers (watch for giveaway information soon.) Entry forms can be found on the Cisco Subnet and Microsoft Subnet home pages.

Network World on Twitter? You bet we are

10 sports technologies to love, 5 to hate
Sports technologiesMany technologies help fans enjoy sports. Others just annoy.

Apple disasters
Apple disastersApple has enjoyed huge success with the iPod and iPhone, but Apple has had a number of commercial flops, too.

ESG: Why SharePoint Needs WAN Optimization
According to recent research from the Enterprise Strategy Group (ESG), implementing SharePoint is a Top 5 initiative for CIOs. But a hidden challenge in SharePoint is to ensure that end users are able to quickly access and edit files when connected via the WAN. Learn about the key benefits organizations have realized as a result of Wide Area File Services Technology.
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September 10, 2009


  1. How to make yourself layoff-proof
  2. The history of steganography
  3. 20 goofy USB gadgets & gizmos you'll love
  4. 12 words you can never say in the office
  5. Developer denies software to beat Chinese censors is malicious
  6. How to get fired
  7. Dirty vendor secrets
  8. How emerging wireless techs are transforming healthcare
  9. Microsoft rivals to purchase 22 patents to defend Linux
  10. Can you see John Chambers directing Cisco to buy Alcatel-Lucent?

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