Monday, April 29, 2013

Daddy, there's a monster under my bed! . . . I had to go look . .


 I was working on my laptop at 10;17 p.m. when my 3 yr. old daughter shuffled up to me and said: "Daddy, there's a monster under my bed!"

I was stupefied for 3 seconds, then realizing she was serious, I knew I had to treat it as serious too so I said:  "Well, let's go look then pumpkin"


I taught her how to drag a chair under the light switch so she could reach it, flip it on, then we got on our knees & looked under the bed, in the closet, all over.               "See, honey, there's no monsters in here, you just had a vivid dream hon" she thanked me & went to bed.


 What did this teach me?


" If you can imagine it . . . . . it can become Real! "


Which leads me to How I [imagined myself making $money] first, then with the help of my friend-John's coaching & system, I'm now bringing home $7,000-a-month!           (and it's growing bigger each month).


(*)  John will coach you [for free] too!  he's the Real Deal!  He loves teaching people How to start up their own Home-based business for small cost and start bringing home $thousands-a-month to beat this Recession!


I've convinced John to spill the beans on his pocket change" property system,                    on a webinar this Thursday!

Click here to join us Thursday 2PM Eastern/11AM Pacific

Register for the 2pm Eastern / 11 am Pacific webinar below


Register for the 9pm Eastern / 6 pm Pacific webinar below

On this webinar you'll learn…

-How to buy "pocket change" properties and flip them for big 
profits in less than 30 days.
-How to do back to back closings and not close with NO penalty! 
This strategy is risk free!
-The simple software that lets John bid on properties everyday 
automatically with next to no time or effort.
-How to build a team of professionals who'll close these deals 
for you… and only get paid when you profit!
-And,  How to copy and paste John's business from start to finish!

NO ONE is talking about this strategy.

John's doing this training as a favor to me! He has shared this with 
a small handful of other investors who are just crushing it 
using his techniques.

Click here to join us Thursday 2PM Eastern/11AM Pacific

Register for the 2pm Eastern / 11 am Pacific webinar below


Register for the 9pm Eastern / 6 pm Pacific webinar below

Talk soon,


P.S. After you register, to watch his fantastic Video

Check out this case study video he did 
on a house he recently flipped for a 5 figure payday!                                                                     Click Below to watch the case study in action 


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