Monday, March 19, 2012

What privacy do you have left to lose? Beware the drone

Cisco's NDS purchase more than TV | It's Time For An Enterprise Encryption Strategy

Network World Voices of Networking

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What privacy do you have left to lose? Beware the drone
Last week's column about The Google and its new privacy policy got quite a response, ranging from "I don't get it, what's the fuss?," through to "I don't care, I have nothing to hide," and "it's been pretty obvious for years where this was all heading but very few people bothered to sound the alarm ... until now when it's too late." Read More


Try Microsoft Office 365, free
Collaborate in the cloud with Office, Exchange, SharePoint, and Lync videoconferencing. Access, edit, and share documents. Starting at $8/user/month. Try it free.


Backup Data in Remote Locations with Speed
See how a global retailer with 850 chains leveraged Riverbed to: - Reduce backup times by 75% - Quickly identify and fix application and network issues - Complete faster backups over the WAN even for remote stores - Gain greater visibility into network bottlenecks Learn more.

Cisco's NDS purchase more than TV
Cisco this week made its most strategic acquisition in years when it bought video software titan NDS for $5 billion. The acquisition is in keeping with Cisco's strategy to drive video into as many markets as it can in order to create demand for its routers and switches. Read More


Data Loss by the Numbers
This paper breaks down attack sources into four categories: external, malicious insiders, accidental insiders, and unknown. Breach categories are limited to areas that are most directly associated with data centers. View Now

It's Time For An Enterprise Encryption Strategy
A few years ago, I began writing and talking about data encryption management problems on the horizon. I was right about the issues but a bit aggressive on the timing. Based on what I'm seeing lately however, the encryption management sky may finally be falling (or at least starting to fall). Read More

WHITE PAPER: Silver Peak Systems, Inc.

Silver Peak's Advantages in a Disaster Recovery Environment
Why do industry analysts agree Silver Peak is the WAN Optimization vendor of choice for offsite data replication? It starts with a unique, next generation architecture. Read more.

"Help! My formerly-cool company has been ruined by greedheads!"
It seems that there's a new trend among highly-paid corporate executives these days: First, quit your job then write a scathing opinion piece on how horrible and greed-consumed your former employer has become. We've seen two high-profile examples of this trend manifiest in the past week, one from former Google exec James Whittaker and another from Greg Smith, a former executive director at investment... Read More

The Day Print Died
I heard on CNBC this morning that Encyclopedia Britannica, that font of all western knowledge, will no longer be published in print form anymore. The importance of these volumes cannot be underestimated - they've been published in print for over 200 years and were for many, myself included, the starting point for any research done during a high-school career. Read More

Throwing a Wrench & White Noise in Gov't Surveillance?
To celebrate Sunshine Week and government transparency, would you be interested in creating some "white noise" in Homeland Security monitored social media? Theory has it that if enough people use these hot NOC keywords that it might cause a few problems for the unblinking eye of Homeland Security surveillance. It remains to be seen if enough "chatter" would cause the people behind the spying eyes migraines... Read More


Useful security threat data advisory tools
Check out these browser-based tools to keep up on the latest cyber security threats.

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  1. Judea Pearl, a big brain behind artificial intelligence, wins Turing Award
  2. China's rare earth stranglehold
  3. Cisco pays $5 billion for video company
  4. New iPad wins rave reviews
  5. Video game art: Smithsonian exhibit celebrates 40 years of creativity
  6. IBM battles dire mainframe myths
  7. Developer cooks up 30-day 'Butter Egg Challenge'
  8. Identity management in the cloud emerges as hot-button issue for CIOs
  9. 40% of U.S. government Web sites fail security test
  10. Kaspersky Lab spots malware signed with stolen digital certificate

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