Monday, October 03, 2011

iPhone 5 rumor rollup for the week ending Sept. 30

Tablet Throwdown: Amazon Kindle Fire vs. Apple iPad 2 | The Newest Windows Phone 7.5 smartphones

Network World Wireless

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iPhone 5 rumor rollup for the week ending Sept. 30
After months and months, the iOSsphere has exploded with an iPhone 5 rumor that finally is worthy of the name. The pedestrian predictions of a dual-core processor and more memory and the labored explanations of why a tear-drop profile and marginally larger screen are a "radical" redesign pale in comparison to a Revolutionary Voice Interface, or RVI. Read More


Raise QoS in vSphere*4 with Dell & Intel
The industry transition to 10 Gigabit Ethernet (10GbE) is creating new quality of service (QoS) challenges. This paper examines best practices for analyzing, monitoring and controlling bandwidth in VMware vSphere 4.1 environments when using Dell servers and Intel Ethernet 10 Gigabit server adapters. Click to continue

WHITE PAPER: CA Technologies

Service Assurance Defined
This Forrester paper explains the concept of service assurance and highlights how it can address fundamental issues around managing application performance and business services. Learn More

Tablet Throwdown: Amazon Kindle Fire vs. Apple iPad 2
Comparing the Amazon Kindle Fire to Apple's iPad 2 is challenging because each tablet is trying to accomplish something fundamentally different. Read More

The Newest Windows Phone 7.5 smartphones
Can new designs and the latest OS spark buyer interest? Read More

WHITE PAPER: CA Technologies

Performance Metrics and the Cloud
Unlike static configuration management databases, which often contain information too outdated for real-time understanding, a dynamic operational service model provides relevant, timely information. Read More

BlackBerry PlayBook going the way of HP TouchPad, says analyst
Another would-be iPad "killer" could soon find itself in the graveyard, according to Collins Stewart semiconductor analyst John Vihn. Read More

2011 Ig Nobel Prizes honor offbeat research
Winners investigated yawning turtles, procrastination and the end of the world Read More

WEBCAST: CA Technologies

Managing Service Quality Across the Infrastructure
With zero tolerance for latency of web applications and a near total dependence on technology in the workplace as the norm, an unpredictable and unreliable infrastructure is too big a risk for today's speed of business. View Now

Softbank announces 110 Mbps network, may handle iPhones
Softbank, Japan's third-largest mobile carrier and exclusive purveyor of the Apple iPhone in the country, said Thursday it would launch in November a new data network allowing downloads of up to 110 Mbps (megabits per second), faster than many wired connections provide today. Read More

Enterprise Mobile: 7 Things CIOs Need to Do Now
Gary Beach, publisher emeritus of CIO magazine, spoke with rock star CIOs at a conference on enterprise mobility and learned that the time is now to throw significant investment into mobile. Read More

IBM X-Force: Mobile devices are a fast growing target of malware
Look for double the mobile exploits this year vs. 2010 and particularly watch out for mobile applications that are really malware, says IBM's X-Force security research team. Read More

Galaxy Tab 7.0 Plus unveiled by Samsung
Samsung Friday announced the Galaxy Tab 7.0 Plus tablet, an update that is lighter and more powerful than the original, and runs a 1.2 GHz dual core processor. Read More


Geekiest cupcake designs
From mainstream iPhone and Google icons to geeky Ubuntu and Big Blue logos, cupcake bakers have taken inspiration from technology for their complex fondant-and-frosting structures. Here are some of our photogenic favorites.

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  1. 2011 Ig Nobel prizes honor offbeat research
  2. Facebook Timeline: Important privacy settings to adjust now
  3. Cisco loses out as Brocade wins healthcare software company business
  4. BlackBerry PlayBook going the way of HP TouchPad, says analyst
  5. NetFlash: 10 excellent IT how-to videos
  6. Chrome poised to take No.2 browser spot from Firefox
  7. Tablet throwdown: Amazon Kindle Fire vs. Apple iPad 2
  8. Teach your router new tricks with DD-WRT
  9. 16 essential Android apps for IT pros
  10. White House unveils STEM video game challenge

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