Monday, March 30, 2009

Top 10 technology skills; Intrusion prevention strategies for 11n

Smart grid, other environmental control systems not smart about security
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Virtualization and the Data Center
Nemertes recently conducted a benchmark report that analyzed the use of virtualization to re-envision the data center. The survey found that enterprises designing a services architecture have better chances in successful virtualization deployments. In this webcast, Nemertes SVP and Founding Partner Andreas M. Antonopoulos guides attendees through the data.


Spotlight Story

Top 10 technology skills
By Carolyn Duffy Marsan
Amid the worst job market in 25 years, IT is holding steady. Most CIOs are maintaining their current staffing levels; while a few are hiring specialists who have in-demand IT skills. Read full story
Class of 2009: Computer science majors still in demand
Does a computer science degree matter anymore?
Podcast: Idiots' guide to the perfect resume

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Intrusion prevention strategies for 11n
There are several ways to scan your 802.11n air environment for nasty goings-on. At a glance, the options seem pretty straightforward. However, you need to look carefully under the hood to draw a true apples-to-apples comparison of the accuracy and cost of the various offerings.

Smart grid, other environmental control systems not smart about security
If lengthy requirements were a measure of success, then smart grid technology is well on its way to being an anomaly in the environmental controls space. But I'm not going to try to hold my breath for that to happen.

EC to probe online profiling by Web sites and ISPs
The European Commission is about to launch an investigation into how consumers' online data is being used by search companies, social networking Web sites and ISPs, a spokeswoman said Monday.

Preparing for the Pre: Palm and Sprint must get it right
Palm and Sprint are betting heavily on the success of the forthcoming Palm Pre smartphone. Here's what they need to do to get it right.

8x8 Introduces Enterprise Hosted VoIP Service
Nickasch: The news from VoiceCon 2009 continues to pour in this Monday morning, perhaps fueled by sunny Orlando skies and a forecast high of 80 degrees. 8x8, the provider of 8x8 Virtual Office and the Packet8 services, introduced an enterprise-level Hosted VoIP environment this morning, titled 8x8 Virtual Office Enterprise.

Why Microsoft Should Buy Facebook
Facebook is in trouble and Microsoft can solve those troubles, at least for now, by taking over the company. Yes, it is hard to believe that a company growing as rapidly as Facebook is growing should be in trouble, but it is.

Terabit Ethernet in sight
Looking down the LAN road, the Terabit Ethernet milestone is very much in sight. While 3.2Tbps and 6.4Tbps speeds were demonstrated in test environments by Siemens/WorldCom and NEC/Nortel respectively starting in 2001, the first set of viable solutions are just now taking shape.

App to no good
10 iPhone apps that could get you into troubleA look at the top 10 iPhone apps that could get you into trouble.

CEO payday breakdown
CEO payday: How much tech chiefs made in '08A detailed account of how much tech chiefs made in 2008.

Sponsored by F5 Networks

Virtualization and the Data Center
Nemertes recently conducted a benchmark report that analyzed the use of virtualization to re-envision the data center. The survey found that enterprises designing a services architecture have better chances in successful virtualization deployments. In this webcast, Nemertes SVP and Founding Partner Andreas M. Antonopoulos guides attendees through the data.


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Today's most-read stories:

  1. Deep computer-spying network touched 103 countries
  2. Preparing for the Pre: Palm and Sprint must get it right
  3. Seven reasons MPLS has been wildly successful
  4. April Fool's Conficker threat is likely hype
  5. Google: IPv6 is easy, not expensive
  6. CEO payday: How much tech chiefs made in '08
  7. Top 10 technology skills
  8. Nine cool geek tips I just can't function without
  9. IETF to explore new routing technique
  10. IBM layoffs incite backlash
  11. Students learn through robot battles

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Webcast: Data center server selection.
Forrester Research's Brad Day helps IT professionals refine their server selection criteria in this informative Webcast, "Beyond Systems Performance." Ensure you will make the right decision for your next-generation data center. Get Day's tips on creating a cost-efficient environment that delivers the performance and long-term resiliency you require.
Watch this Webcast now.

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