Thursday, February 19, 2009

Stimulus bill aims for 'national broadband plan'; Tweet to compete; Nortel loses bid for Verizon biz

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Spotlight Story
Stimulus bill aims for 'national broadband plan'

Jeff Caruso By Jeff Caruso
The U.S. economic stimulus package is law - all $787 billion of it - and of that, $7.2 billion has been set aside for improvements to the nation's broadband infrastructure. Let's take a closer look at what that means. Read full story

Related News:

Tweet to compete
If you still think Facebook is for twentysomethings clinging to their college years and Twitter is for people with too much time on their hands announcing what they had for breakfast, think again. Social networks like Facebook (150 million users), Twitter (4.4 million users) and LinkedIn (34 million users) are some of the fastest growing sites on the Internet and they're not being used for aimless chitchat or sharing the latest gossip. We're talking busy IT professionals using social networks for serious IT business – everything from customer service to marketing a product to marketing themselves to keeping up with industry news to getting fast answers to a technical question.

Nortel loses bid for Verizon Wireless business
Nortel lost out on a key LTE contract with Verizon Wireless, a missed opportunity that will add to the company's revenue challenges as it goes through bankruptcy proceedings.

AT&T hopes to rollout 4G technology by 2011
If you didn't know what to get your love for Valentine's Day, you can thank AT&T for getting you better wireless service - well, in two years, anyway. Hopefully your significant other will take a raincheck.

Judge dismisses Google Street View case
A judge has dismissed a lawsuit filed by a Pennsylvania family against Google after the company took and posted images of the outside of their house in its Maps service.

Microsoft-Red Hat deal shows need for virtualization support
A virtualization deal struck Monday between Microsoft and Red Hat shows the growing need for vendors to ensure customers can get cross-platform support for applications running in virtualized environments.

Twitter's Stone talks search, changing the 'Net
Twitter is arguably changing the way people socialize and communicate online.

Trustwave buys NAC vendor Mirage
Managed security provider Trustwave has bought up independent NAC vendor Mirage Networks and will add NAC to the list of services Trustwave provides.

February giveaways from Cisco Subnet and Microsoft Subnet
Up for grabs: One American Express gift card worth $250 from Global Knowledge; One Microsoft training course worth $2,995 from Global Knowledge; 15 copies each of the hot book titles Voice over IP Security, and CCNA Wireless Official Exam Certification Guide and 15 copies of Exchange Server 2007 How-To: Real Solutions for Exchange Server 2007 SP1 Administrators. Get all the entry details here.

IT & social networks
where IT pros do their social networkingSurvey takes a look at where IT pros do their social networking.

Hot spot safety tips
Top 10 hot spot safety tipsHow to protect laptop data at your local Wi-Fi hot spot.

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Today's most-read stories:

  1. Nortel exec issues vague promise to detail its reorganization
  2. 9 dirty tricks: Social engineers' favorite pick-up lines
  3. Social network sites vary greatly on availability
  4. SolarWinds offers free Cisco IP SLA monitoring tool
  5. Vodafone to sell second HTC Google phone
  6. How to build your own supercomputer
  7. Spammers break Hotmail's CAPTCHA yet again
  8. Microsoft strives for mobile mindshare with Windows Mobile 6.5
  9. Is Cisco short of cash in the U.S.?
  10. LiMo's Linux-based mobile OS stack makes gains

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