Friday, February 20, 2009

Forget the Oscars: Here come the 404 Awards; Cloud security fears overblown? 'Maybe we can JTAG it'

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Storage Networking: Critical Enabler of Server Virtualization
Server virtualization is transforming the way IT delivers services back to the business. Companies are leveraging this technology to consolidate servers, increase utilization, and reduce costs. Before exploring the primary drivers of server virtualization, it is important to understand the role server virtualization plays in the data center. Download this whitepaper to learn more.


Spotlight Story

Forget the Oscars: Sit back for the 404 Awards
By Denise Dubie
The Oscars may recognize the best that Hollywood has to offer, but Hollywood so often gets the technology wrong. In honor of the 81st Academy Awards airing Feb. 22, we've compiled the 404 Awards to recognize unreal appearances by technology in 2008 films -- and point out a few films that got it right. View slideshow

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Cloud security fears are overblown, some say
It may sound like heresy to say it, but it's possible to worry a little too much about security in cloud computing environments, speakers at IDC's Cloud Computing Forum said...

'Maybe we can JTAG it'
Purser: One of my neighbors knocked on the door yesterday. I figured he wanted to borrow some tools or wanted me to fix his computer because he came over with a six'er of Newcastle. I think Dr. "Bones" McCoy said on Star Trek IV, "Beware of Romulans bearing gifts..." And English Ale beats the crap out of Romulan Ale any day! Come on in! Turns out, he was updating the firmware in his home router and accidentally kicked the power cord out of the router in the middle of an update. Can anything be done? I stalled for time until the last Newcastle was gone and then said maybe we can JTAG it.

Virtual desktops ripe for deployment, hindered by cost
Desktop virtualization technology provides clear benefits in security, manageability and flexibility, but upfront costs make ROI a long-term proposition.

HP cuts pay, benefits after poor financials
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DHS names Callahan privacy chief
The Department of Homeland Security Thursday named Mary Ellen Callahan as the department's Chief Privacy Officer.

Full-time telecommuter ranks shrink
Bednarz: More employees are working from home these days, but fewer are doing it on a full-time basis, according to new research.

Microsoft retail stores a risky proposition
Microsoft's decision to open retail stores is a calculated risk that will likely prove a more challenging endeavor than Apple's move into retail eight years ago.

Study: Other network traffic surpassing P-to-P growth
Peer-to-peer file sharing is still growing, but streaming video and other download services are making up an increasing proportion of Internet traffic, according to new research.

Why the Universal Charger Won't Work
The GSM Association announced the creation of a universal cell phone charger that will function with most mobile phones by 2012. The technology is based on the popular micro-USB interface. Not-so-curiously absent from ...

Podcast: Parents vs. kids: Online activity monitoring
Symantec unveils its Norton Online Family service this week and Newsmaker Jody Gibney explains why the cloud service could get parents and kids talking about what not to do while surfing the Internet. (10:55)

February giveaways from Cisco Subnet and Microsoft Subnet
Up for grabs: One American Express gift card worth $250 from Global Knowledge; One Microsoft training course worth $2,995 from Global Knowledge; 15 copies each of the hot book titles Voice over IP Security, and CCNA Wireless Official Exam Certification Guide and 15 copies of Exchange Server 2007 How-To: Real Solutions for Exchange Server 2007 SP1 Administrators. Get all the entry details here.

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where IT pros do their social networkingSurvey takes a look at where IT pros do their social networking.

Hot spot safety tips
Top 10 hot spot safety tipsHow to protect laptop data at your local Wi-Fi hot spot.

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Storage Networking: Critical Enabler of Server Virtualization
Server virtualization is transforming the way IT delivers services back to the business. Companies are leveraging this technology to consolidate servers, increase utilization, and reduce costs. Before exploring the primary drivers of server virtualization, it is important to understand the role server virtualization plays in the data center. Download this whitepaper to learn more.


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Today's most-read stories:

  1. Want to close your LendingTree account? Sorry, no can do
  2. Stimulus bill aims for 'national broadband plan'
  3. Accused rogue admin Terry Childs makes his case
  4. 9 dirty tricks: Social engineers' favorite pick-up lines
  5. Nortel exec issues vague promise to detail its reorganization
  6. HP cuts pay, benefits after poor financials
  7. Nortel loses bid for Verizon Wireless business
  8. Microsoft wins motion, loses one in Vista Capable case
  9. Verizon confirms details of U.S. LTE deployment
  10. CVS spanked over customer privacy failures

How to craft a dynamic infrastructure
Attend IBM's Dynamic Infrastructure Virtual Forum on March 3 & 4, and get all the advice and information you need - without leaving your desk. Learn how to streamline your business and IT assets into an infrastructure that's fast, flexible and accurate.
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