Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Beating WLANs into submission, Part 2: Beamforming

Maximizing throughput, reducing interference
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Spotlight Story
Beating WLANs into submission, Part 2: Beamforming

Joanie Wexler By Joanie Wexler
You've probably heard mentions of a nascent RF capability called transmit beamforming. A couple things to keep in mind: 1) There are various types and implementations of beamforming, so not all beamforming is created equal (or standard); and 2) in large, all-wireless environments, some flavor of beamforming will eventually be needed to allow all types of client devices to run at an optimal, predictable rate and to alleviate unnecessary and troublesome interference. Read full story

Joanie Wexler is an independent networking technology writer/editor in Silicon Valley.

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Top 10 Reasons to Migrate to WS08
New virtualization tools, Web technologies, and security enhancements help save time and reduce costs, and provide you with high availability and increased flexibility for your changing business needs. Central to IT simplification is streamlining maintenance and maximizing availability - and by running Windows Server 2008 on Dell servers, you can do both.


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