Thursday, January 08, 2009

NAC feeling the effects of the economy

The dip in NAC appliance purchases will be temporary
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Why PUE Alone is Not Enough!
Global DataCenter Management (GDCM) contends that although Power Usage Effectiveness (PUE) is an excellent metric for benchmarking the efficiency of power consumption in the data center, the "hit or miss" approach of making changes to improve energy efficiency needs an overhaul. This whitepaper explores how PUE Modeling (PUEM(TM)) can help data center managers achieve positive changes to their data center's PUE, before any equipment is moved or modified.


Spotlight Story
NAC feeling the effects of the economy

Tim Greene By Tim Greene
The realities of the economy are starting to hit NAC, according to market analysis firm Infonetics. Read full story

Tim Greene is senior editor at Network World.

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Why PUE Alone is Not Enough!
Global DataCenter Management (GDCM) contends that although Power Usage Effectiveness (PUE) is an excellent metric for benchmarking the efficiency of power consumption in the data center, the "hit or miss" approach of making changes to improve energy efficiency needs an overhaul. This whitepaper explores how PUE Modeling (PUEM(TM)) can help data center managers achieve positive changes to their data center's PUE, before any equipment is moved or modified.


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