Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Microsoft takes a swing at Cisco; SOA's ROI is MIA

Network World

Daily News: AM

Network World Daily News: AM, 08/22/07

Microsoft stashes Cisco hugs, attacks with new server for voice, video quality
One day after its collaborative lovefest with Cisco, Microsoft Tuesday wiped off the lipstick and came out swinging as it introduced a new server designed to let users troubleshoot voice and video problems by monitoring network performance in real time.

Barely a third of companies that have adopted service-oriented architectures are achieving a positive return on investment.

Survey: Security policies neglect off-network devices
A majority of companies put confidential data at risk every day when equipment such as servers, desktops, laptops and portable storage devices leave the confines of their network, according to a recent survey of 735 IT security practitioners.

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Google Earth gets starry-eyed
Google may just be the center of the universe now: A new add-on for its Earth satellite program, called Sky, lets users explore space and see photos of the precise star formation overhead based on their locale.

Phishers looking to cash in on Wells Fargo computer crash
Wells Fargo & Co. may have a new problem, following its widespread computer crash earlier this week: online scammers.

State contends e-voting machines weren't certified
Election Systems & Software (ES&S) sold nearly 1,000 electronic-voting machines that were not certified to five California counties in 2006, Secretary of State Debra Bowen said Tuesday.

Microsoft: Skype outage shows work to be done
A Microsoft executive on Tuesday addressed the recent Skype outage by comparing VoIP to early automobiles in a horse-drawn world.

Survey: Cisco has the knack for NAC
A Current Analysis survey says Cisco is most often considered by NAC customers, but other vendors do better at retaining customers that have already bought their NAC gear

BeyondTrust tames Vista’s UAC pop-ups, leaves security intact
Management vendor BeyondTrust Tuesday unveiled software that lets companies nearly eradicate the pop-ups that plague Windows Vista’s user account control feature.

TiVo records big savings in compliance
TiVo, the DVR maker and service provider, discusses its strategy for dealing with the Sarbanes-Oxley Act and the Payment Card Industry data security standard.

In depth

Management tool vendors gear up for virtualization
BMC, CA, Network General and others combine specialized server management with traffic-flow analysis to track application performance across a virtual infrastructure.


Why application virtulization rules
David Roth, CEO of start-up Trigence, envisions a day when application virtualization is absolutely ubiquitous. Every application, regardless of complexity or size or platform, gains from being encapsulated, he says. Roth speaks with New Data Center Editor Beth Schultz about the evolution of application virtualization, and why it's inevitable for enterprises that want to simplify management and deliver optimal application performance. (14:32)


Today at Cisco Subnet
Blogger Andrew Schmitt thinks Cisco will eventually be forced to use third-party silicon in its gear, but that could open up the equipment to cloning. Brad Reese finds a free call performance monitoring tool for Cisco unified communications. IP routing expert Jeff Doyle explains source filtering at the edge. Plus: Why Cisco NAC expert Jamey Heary isn't impressed with Network World's NAC tests.

Today on Microsoft Subnet
Unified Communications is Microsoft’s hot new convergence technology due out in October. Rand Morimoto has got the scoop on free training on it. Microsoft has released Tafiti, a Silverlight-based search tool for use on top of Microsoft's Live Search engine. Your TV is lonely. It can’t share its information with anyone. Microsoft will fix that with social networking TV software.

Today on Layer 8, we'll make you feel really old or really young, depending on your mindset:
For 10 years now upon the arrival of a new freshman class, Beloit College in Wisconsin has released the Beloit College Mindset List, or a History of the World in this case since 1989, when most of them were born. The list a touchpoint for its staff to better understand and possibly appreciate its incoming freshman class and a way to make the rest of us feel wicked old. For example, students entering college this fall think nothing of arriving home with parents still at work, then e-mailing or texting their friends, instantly updating their autobiographies on Facebook or MySpace, and listening to their iPods while doing their research on Wikipedia. For them Pete Rose has never been in baseball. Abbie Hoffman has always been dead. Johnny Carson has never been live on TV, and Nelson Mandela has always been free.


1. Gunplay blamed for Internet slowdown
2. 1.6M records stolen from
3. 10 virtualization companies to watch
4. Business e-mail overtakes the telephone
5. Skype users don't buy outage explanation
6. Google struggles with phone number 'for life'
7. Skype: Network felled by Windows Update
8. Voyager spacecraft celebrates 30-years
9. Top 10 'networkiest' eBay oddities
10. Is onshoring become the new offshoring?

WAN acceleration offers huge payoff

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