Tuesday, July 17, 2007

NAC author to guest blog on Cisco Subnet

Network World

Network Access Control

Network World's Network Access Control Newsletter, 07/17/07

NAC author to guest blog on Cisco Subnet

By Tim Greene

Jamey Heary has spent a lot of time thinking about NAC, given that he is the author of “Cisco NAC Appliance: Enforcing Host Security with Clean Access.”

Starting in August he will be a guest blogger on Network World's Cisco Subnet, which includes a lot of fact and opinion about Cisco and its products.

Heary, who is a consulting systems engineer for Cisco, says he plans to talk about NAC as well as intrusion prevention, firewalls and security features built into Cisco’s IOS software.

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He says his plan is to set down the internal network weaknesses that NAC can help solve as groundwork for more specific topics such as getting networks NAC-ready and creating security policies for endpoints.

Heary plans to highlight key factors that NAC products must have in an entry he describes as the top five things any NAC solution must do and do well. He also has slotted an entry to make NAC easier to get up and running in an entry he calls “Just make it simpler: Tips for a Speedy NAC Deployment.”

He is pretty up front that many of his entries will be Cisco-centric, but that makes sense given the nature of the site and his expertise, but his insights about Cisco’s NAC may have relevance to NAC in general.

He’s actually soliciting topics that people interested in NAC would like him to cover, so if you have any, please send them my way, and they’ll be passed along to Heary. His blog starts Aug. 1.

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Contact the author:

Tim Greene is a senior editor at Network World, covering network access control, virtual private networking gear, remote access, WAN acceleration and aspects of VoIP technology. You can reach him at tgreene@nww.com.


Archive of the Network Access Control Newsletter.



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